Chapter 568: Another Law Orb?

Long Chen couldn't help but shake his head. Before today, he hadn't thought about the fact that their minor acts could affect the future in such a way. 

'That stone must be the thing I need. It's good that I know now. It should be easy getting that stone now that they trust me. I might be able to get it without even forcing them,' He though.

"I want to see that stone that your Ancestor used to travel between the realms," Long Chen told the Demon Master.

"That..." The Demon Master hesitated as he heard about the stone.

"Wait? Were you the one that was attacking our clan? Why did you do that? God Shen helped us flourish, why were you trying to wipe us? Are you really God Shen's family or someone who's against him?" The Demon Master asked Long Chen as he frowned.