Chapter 580: Origin and the Sun

"Are you doing it to enter that space as a reward?" Xun asked Long Chen.

"True. I'm planning to get there as well. The mysterious space that even the Ghost Temple lusts after. There must be something there," Long Chen muttered as he closed his eyes.

"You know how troublesome it would be if you die, right? Your identity will be exposed, and they won't revive you. Everything would be over," Xun said.

"I know, and that's why I'm planning not to die at all. It's an opportunity that I can't miss as I have a feeling that something really big is about to happen in the near future. Something related to this exploration. It's as if the blood in my body is getting restless. Something major will happen, and I don't want to miss it. Also, this will give me the opportunity to get close to the Temple Priests as well," Long Chen muttered as he shook his head.

"Why do you think something big is about to happen here? Why don't I feel something as well?" Xun muttered as she frowned.