Chapter 608: The Unsealed

" Is there really no way?" Long Jun asked as he looked back at Long Ren. He didn't want to leave his son behind at any cost. If there was even a little chance of leaving this place, he was ready to take the risk.

"I wish there was. I would've gone with you to help my grandson as well in that case, but I searched as far as I could. There is no portal, and we can't tread this whole world to find a Portal as that will take years. I wish we could do something, but all we can do is wait," Long Ren explained as he sighed.

"But my son... How could I bear to live with myself if something happened to him because of me? He never should've come to save me! This man was already dead for everyone. I should've stayed dead. How can I let him exchange his life for my half-dead life?" Long Jun asked as his eyes got wet.