Chapter 616: Destroying the Temple

The guards and the Disciples of the sect were all killed in the darkness of the night. The night was supposed to be silent, but it was filled with screams.

Unfortunately, the ones that could protect them weren't here to hear their screams, and the ones that could listen to the screams were busy trying to survive themselves.

One after another, Long Chen kept clearing the floors of the Ghost Temple.

He wiped the nineteenth floor, then the eighteenth and the seventeenth.

Before the night was over, Long Chen had cleared all the floors as he killed the Disciples.

He had not only killed the Disciples, but he had also robbed the previous buildings of the Ghost Temple. He stole the skills of the Ghost Temple, and he stole the herbs from their garden.

Long Chen also stole the treasure artifacts from their treasury. He only left trash Artifacts behind.

The biggest problems he faced were the Half-Step Heaven Realm Cultivators that were guarding the Skill Pavillion and the Artifacts.