Chapter 620: The Tortoise Clan Young Master against the boy from the Tomb

" Do you know if her husband is still alive?" Long Chen asked Long Jun.

He felt like he needed this information to understand things better. The knife he stole had belonged to Mu Yun's husband. If he was alive, then Long Chen needed to treat that carefully.

Long Chen looked at Long Jun as he waited for his answer.

"I don't know. I didn't hear anything about that. All I know is that her husband is pretty Powerful, and there's a chance that he's alive. If the people from the Ghost Temple were so sure of his death, they wouldn't be worried. Since they don't believe him to be dead, I wouldn't either. It's better to think of a person as living than to consider him dead without any evidence," Long Jun answered.

Long Ren was once again embarrassed as he heard this since that's exactly what he had done when there was news that Long Jun had died. 

Long Ren was standing behind Long Jun, so he couldn't see his embarrassed expression on his faces.