Chapter 678: Falsely Accused

If you receive offers from more than one Spirit Warrior College, it will be on you to choose the best Spirit Warrior College that suits your needs."

"On the contrary, if you didn't receive any offers for selection, you will have to go home empty-handed. That's why give it your all and make sure that you show your best performance today. Also, we have a special guest today as well. Phoenix Organization Leader and our Kingdom's brave protector, Master Vermilion. Since he is here, he will also select one person amongst you. All of us Elders have decided something."

" The person he selects will have the right to join any Spirit Warrior College, even if that person isn't selected by the Spirit Warrior College of his choice. So make sure to show Master Vermilion what you can do. The ones that win his favor will be allowed to join any Spirit Warrior College," Elder Ming said as he smiled.

All the other elders also nodded their heads at this announcement.