Chapter 690: Monster

" You bit*h, we gave you a job when you were about to die of hunger. We gave you money to be able to feed your son, and now you dare say that you quit!" a fat guy was pulling Mi Liayi while he scolded her.

"N-no! I won't work there anymore. I promised my son!" Mi Liayi said as she resisted. 

"That's not possible! Our customers especially come to beat the wife of that Traitor and get some peace of mind! You can't quit! You must work for us until the day you die!"  the fat guy responded as he chuckled.

"As for that promise to your son, is that promise more important, or the life of your son? If you don't listen to me, I promise that your son wouldn't see the light of tomorrow," he added with a grin on his face.

Mi Liayi was horrified as she heard his words. She didn't even imagine what that man might do to her son. Tears started falling from her eyes.

"Don't do anything to him. I will work for you," She said as she stopped resisting.