Chapter 695: Royal Tutor's Orders

"Master Wal said that we need to be swift. Kill the woman and take the kid with us. It's really important. Nothing should go wrong, or he would kill us all," one of the masked men said as he pulled out his sword.


There were around ten men around the place where Long Chen was staying with Mi Liayi. 

Even though the place was already empty now, the men had no idea about it. They moved towards the hut and stopped before the door.

"I'll break the door; you guys barge inside. Catch the kid and kill the woman. I'm giving you two minutes for doing it and leaving. Master Wal said that if we delay too much, someone might come to help them. Be fast," The man in the lead told the others as he stared at the door. 

He kicked the door open. The others barged inside the small hut.

The inside of the hut was very small, so the man didn't have a hard time searching inside. They came out after checking the surroundings.

"Where's the boy?" the leader asked the others.