Chapter 713: Three Eyes War Spirit

The Dragon Squad continued moving forward as fast as it could. According to them, the time was of the essence. They only had a limited amount of time to kill the King of Aksha Kingdom. The faster they reached there, the better their chances of success were going to be.

It also meant that the more time they saved in the journey, the more time they were going to have to collect some solid information to help them in their mission.

The Dragon Squad flew for thousands of miles as days of travel turned into weeks of travel. 

After flying for a little over twenty-five days, Long Chen and the Dragon Squad reached near the Royal capital of the Aksha Kingdom.

" Everyone wear masks. Don't let anyone see your face. We'll sneak inside the city, but we're leaving our beast behind," Wu Xun told everyone as he started lowering his Dark Spirit Horses some distance away from the Royal City.