Chapter 716: The Precious Artifact

"I've not heard about any robe like that. Can you tell me more about it? How it looks and what it's actually like. Without that, it would be difficult to find it," Long Chen replied as he looked at Wu Xun curiously.

'I don't know much about it either, but according to the information I received, it's a blood-red robe that the Royal Tutor keeps near him, most probably in his room. There is a Flame Bird pattern on the back of the robe. You would recognize it easily. It's a pretty special robe. It would be a great help if you can manage to steal that robe and bring it back to me," Wu Xun explained.

" A blood-red robe with a flaming bird pattern on it's back? It's that!" Xun suddenly called out excitedly in Long Chen's head.

'What is it? Wait a minute, I remember now. Could this be the Phoenix Blood robe you talked about before? The Defensive Artifact of Tian Shen?' Long Chen thought as he remembered Xun's words. Xun had told him that this planet had three important artifacts.