Chapter 720:No Consequences?

"To sneak inside the palace and steal my robe from right under my nose without getting caught, that person is definitely not someone simple! I need to catch him!" the Royal Tutor muttered as he stepped out of the room after getting dressed.

He looked around the hallway, trying to find any clues.

"The Thief wouldn't stay inside after getting what he wanted," he muttered as he went towards the exit of the Palace. He stopped in front of a maid that he happened to come across along the way.

"Did you see a stranger here?" the Royal Tutor asked the maid as he frowned.

"Ah, No," the maid said, shaking her head.

The Royal Tutor moved the girl to the side as he continued advancing towards the nearest window.

He looked outside, only seeing the guards protecting the palace under the beautiful moonlight. It was obvious that they hadn't seen any intruder since there was no commotion.