Chapter 736: Wish

The Royal Eunuch escorted Long Chen to the Great Hall where the King was sitting.

As soon as they got there, they saw the Ministers of the Kingdom getting out of the place. The ministers seemed to be discussing something amongst themselves as they stepped out of the hall and continued on their way without even glancing at Long Chen.

"You stay here. I'll go inform His Highness," the Eunuch told Long Chen before he opened the door of the Great Hall and stepped inside.

He spent a few minutes inside. During that time, Long Chen patiently waited outside for him to come out and bring him in. He couldn't hear any noises coming from inside.

After some time, the Royal Eunuch opened the door of the great hall from inside.

"You can come inside," he told Long Chen as he moved aside.

Long Chen nodded his head as he stepped inside.

He walked near the King before he got down on one knee.

"Long Live, Your Majesty," he said.

"Stand," the King said as he gestured for Long Chen to stand up.