Chapter 734: King of Spirits

Long Chen started reading the book, and as soon as he read the first few words, he was surprised. He realized that there was actually no real method of waking up a War Spirits. There were, however, a few methods that helped in the Awakening Process thought. 

The first few pages talked about different types of War Spirits that existed. There were Elemental Animate War Spirits that Wu Xun and Vermillion had. There were Elemental Inanimate War Spirits. There were Animal War Spirits; Strengthening War Spirits, Weapon related War Spirits, and many more.

"Interesting. I didn't know there were so many types of War Spirit and each War Spirit has a different suggestion to wake up," Long Chen muttered as he continued reading the book.

In the Aksha Kingdom Spirit Warrior College examination, he was told that he had the Purple Mist War Spirit, and he believed that. He didn't doubt for even a second that the Spirit Judgement Mirror might not have shown the full picture.