Chapter 738: Seperation

"Kid, you heard me, right? I'm incharge of everything. You can just sit and relax while we take over the Aksha Kingdom," General Hu told Long Chen as he saw him not replying.

Long Chen was still thinking that he could utilize this situation to show off and wake up his Spirit.

"You must be General Hu, right?" Long Chen inquired casually. He didn't even look at General Hu for more than a second before he started looking around the field as if he was bored.

"I am G-" General Hu was about to say something but his words were cut off by Long Chen.

"Shh, I'm talking now. As a General, You should never cut off someone in the middle," Long Chen chimed in. 

"Anyway, General Hu, you were saying that I should let you take care of this mission. I would like to offer you the same conditions. Sit back and watch me finish the job for you," he continued.

"You Idi-" 

General Hu was again trying to say something as his face turned red in anger, but Long Chen again cut him off.