Chapter 746: Cleansing

" I would have, but looking at all the bodies of the people and the fact that you were trying to do the same to us, I won't. You deserve one thing. Death!" Long Chen muttered as he swung his sword, killing the old lady in one strike.

"You already got the taste for human flesh. Do you think I would overlook that? This whole town is an abomination. None of you deserves to get out," he let out as he sighed.

He turned back and walked towards Mi Liayi.

"Sit here, I'll be right back," He told Mi Liayi as he patted her shoulder.

He opened the door and stepped out of the restaurant.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw over ten people standing nearby, looking towards the restaurant. All ten of them were shocked as soon as they saw Long Chen come out of the restaurant.

"Why is he still not dead! Is that old lady letting him go? Fuck! One less person means less food! What is she thinking!"