Chapter 753: The Dragon Appears

"What curse are you talking about?" the middle-aged man asked Long Chen as he frowned.

"Oh? You didn't get the information about the curse when you became the new owner?" Long Chen asked with a shocked look on his face.

" What information? What are you talking about?" The man asked as he smashed his hand on the throne in frustration.

"You took that sword from my grandfather, didn't you?" Long Chen inquired from the man.

"I did," the middle-aged man replied with a concerned look on his face.

" You still have that sword, right?" Long Chen continued his questioning.

"Yeah, I do," the man replied.

"Then, I was right. You're the new owner of the sword. It's been attached to you, and I'm released from this curse," Long Chen let out happily.

"If you don't tell me more about this curse, I will kill you right here! Tell me!" the middle-aged man thundered.