Chapter 756: It Can do this?

He could see the Spirit Eagle flying in reverse. It seemed less like flying and more as if the Spirit Eagle was retracing it's steps in reverse and going in reverse towards the Royal City.

It soon entered the Royal City.

He looked around, trying to understand what was happening, but not only the Spirit Eagle, he also saw humans on the Streets, walking in reverse.

It was as if he was watching everything happen in rewind, and only he could move.

"Xun, do you see it as well?" he asked Xun to get her opinion on it, but Xun didn't reply. Even after asking again, he didn't get a response.

The Spirit Eagle landed in front of the Royal Palace.

"What the heck? My body isn't in my control!" He exclaimed as he realized that he had gone down the Spirit Eagle without willing to. It was as if his feet were walking on their own. He was retracing his steps.

The Spirit Eagle moved away.

He found himself standing in the same spot where he was standing when he threw away.