Chapter 777: Promotion

Long Chen entered the Royal Palace and went straight to the chambers of the King while the news about him saving the Kingdom was being shared around the Kingdom.

No guard stopped him this time as they all knew that Long Chen was working for the King now.

Entering the chambers of the King, he said, "Your Majesty, the mission is successful. I have finished your enemies. The Kingdom is safe from the intruders."

The King was sitting in deep thought. He didn't even notice Long Chen when he stepped inside. 

Only when Long Chen started speaking did he realize that Long Chen was here. With a surprise on his face, he raised his head and looked at Long Chen.

"You aren't dead? What did you say? You killed them? Really? The Kingdom is actually saved?" 

It took the King a few seconds to understand what was happening. He still couldn't believe that Long Chen won.