Chapter 787: Chasing Sides

'You won't be punished," Long Chen declared in an effort to make Wu Xun join him.

"Fine. I will swear my allegiance to you; however, I have one condition!" Wu Xun said, nodding his head.

"Fine. What condition do you have?" Long Chen inquired.

"You won't kill the members of Dragon Squad that swear their allegiance to you. You'll give me a chance to convince them. I don't want anyone to die since I'm helping you unify the Kingdoms. Even if someone doesn't agree, you can't kill them. They can only be arrested," Wu Xun told Long Chen, stating his term, which was about saving his men.

"Hah, if that's what it wants, then I agree. As long as you can get them to pledge their allegiance to my cause, I'll let them free. They can be a part of the new Dragon Squad that you'll be leading. However, if even a single one of my men is killed by a Dragon Squad member, the ones who oppose will be killed and not arrested!" Long Chen said, sighing.