Chapter 790: Loyalty

"Minister Wei, you know that our Kingdom's in a perilous situation. Your actions can save us from being destroyed. Please give your life for our kingdom," the King asked the first minister.

"I-i apologize, Your Majesty. You know that my wife died last year and I have a young son. I can't let him go orphan by dying. Please forgive me. If I didn't have a son to take care of, I would have done it in a heartbeat," the Minister replied, shaking his head. He refused to give his life for the King.

The King's face turned pale; however, he didn't do anything. He couldn't force anyone, according to Long Chen. Seeing that he still had more people to ask, he moved over to the second one.

"Minister Gu, You don't have a wife or a kid! You wouldn't be leaving behind anytime. You can do it for the Kingdom. Please give your life for the prosperity of our kingdom!" the King told the second minister.