Chapter 797: Reunion

"My family might be worrying about me. I was pulled for the Third Trial, so suddenly, I couldn't inform them," Long Chen muttered as he remembered about his family.

Without taking any time, he sent his consciousness into the fake world to call his family out to let them know that he was fine.

"Hmm? They are not at home? The entire place is empty? Even the Spirit Fairies aren't here? What happened?" Long Chen muttered, not seeing his family or anyone else there.

He started searching for the entire fake world to find his family.

"Ah, Xue and Mei are there. Why are they so far from the house? Mingyu is in a completely opposite direction? There's father and mother. Grandfather is there. Everyone is spread out in all directions, going faster and farther from the house. Are they looking for something?" Long Chen thought as he frowned.

" I'll ask them myself," he muttered as he brought everyone out of the fake world.