Chapter 804: Nightmare

He looked towards Orion and Xue only to find them in an even worse condition. Orion was still better, but Xue wasn't even moving.

"Xue!" Long Chen thundered as he instantly Teleported beside Xue, not caring for anything.

He placed his hand near her nose.

"She's breathing. Probably unconscious only," he muttered as he breathed a sigh of relief.

Bringing out a Life-Healing Pill out of his Ancient Ring, he placed it inside her mouth. 

He picked her up in his arms and walked over to Orion, "Orion, are you alright."

Orion was standing tall; however, even he was bleeding a little. Fortunately, his wounds didn't look serious.

"Move back. I'll handle whoever it is. Stay far from us," Long Chen said as he placed Xue on top of Orion.

Orion listened to Long Chen and moved back slowly, making sure that Xue didn't fall down.

"Alright. Now that I'm done with them, time to deal with it," Long Chen muttered, glancing back in the direction that blast came from.