Chapter 816: Confession

Ming Lan waited for Long Chen to answer without interfering with him, feeling like it was some important matter.

"Wait a minute, let me call others as well. I want everyone to know."

Long Chen brought everyone outside, including Ming Rin, His father, his grandfather, his mother, Zhiqing, Mingyu, Xue, Mei.

"Hmm? What happened? Everyone's here? Are you in trouble?" Long Jun asked Long Chen as soon as he appeared.

"I am perfectly fine. There is no trouble. I just called everyone out because I need to confess something that all of you deserve to know," Long Chen replied, shaking his head.

" I didn't tell you all before, but the truth is that Ming Rin is..." Long Chen started speaking again. "She is my wife!"

After confessing, he looked at Ming Lan to see her response, but he only saw her chuckling.

The others, however, looked more stunned since they believed that Long Chen wouldn't joke like that.