Chapter 818: Infiltration

"I'll be back before you even know it," Long Chen muttered as he smiled confidently.

He walked towards the window and looked down at the empty streets. After he finished getting dressed, he disappeared. 

Appearing on the empty streets, Long Chen started walking towards the Mansion of the Xie Clan.

As he was walking, he saw a drunk man coming towards him.

Not wasting any of his usage of Shadow Transformation, he simply decided to walk past the man, not bothering to hide since it was useless.

As Long Chen was walking past the man, the man caught his hand. 

"Heh, you're a cute little guy. How about you spend the night with me. I will make you rich for just one of your nights," he said.

Long Chen looked at the man, squinting his eyes. 

"Let alone hitting on the ladies; now I'm being hit on by guys? Sigh," he muttered as he raised his left hand that was caught by the man, effectively raising him in the air before he smashed the man in the group.
