Chapter 859: Betrayal

Long Chen and Xu Liang hugged each other.

A clever smile appeared on Long Chen's face.

Darkness started collecting in the hands of Long Chen, which took the shape of a small knife soon.

"I am really sorry," Long Chen muttered gently. 

"It's fine. We can work better while going forward," Xu Liang muttered, misunderstanding the words.

He soon moved back to free Long Chen from his embrace, but that's when a grunt let his lips.

"Urgh!" He exclaimed in pain.

As the knife was stabbed in his back right where his heart was supposed to be.

The darkness of the knife stabbed the heart of Xu Liang.

"You!" Xu Liang roared in rage as a powerful energy came out of his body, tossing Long Chen back.

The impact was so powerful that Long Chen flew back five hundred meters before he managed to stop.

Blood was coming out of his eyes and nose. He looked seriously injured. Even his clothes were torn, and the internals of his body were a mess. His body was wounded everywhere.