Chapter 862: Unwillingness

Ji Shan could hear their conversation, but he ignored them until he heard about the entrance and exit being closed.

Since they Teleported here, the blockage didn't matter to them, but it was clear that it was going to make them suspicious.

Ji Shan realized that they would probably start interrogating him, which was going to make things troublesome. He didn't wish to fight unnecessarily, so he started thinking of an excuse.

"You there! Stop!" The bandits asked Ji Shan as they stopped the horses before him.

Ji Shan stopped and raised his gaze to look at them.

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Who are you? And what are you doing in our town?" The bandit leader asked Ji Shan.

"I am just a wandering Cultivator that has lost his way. I came here, trying to find the location of Tianme Kingdom," Ji Shan explained.