Chapter 868: Xun's Return

"Another boy?" Xun asked, wondering who he was talking about.

"Yeah. A kid. I feel like I met him before that event. I just can't remember. Anyway, that guy disappeared. I'm pretty sure he knew the Law of Time. It's also possible that he knew the Law of Space since he disappeared. Or it could be some Martial Skill that made him able to hide. I can't be entirely sure about that," Long Chen answered, uncertainly.

There was no way for him to actually know what happened since he couldn't catch the kid and interrogate him. He didn't know where the kid was himself, let alone being able to catch him.

He was somewhat glad that he at least had the Sword of Time in his ancient ring. He had thought he lost it after he woke up in a different place. Fortunately, he hadn't lost it.

Since he hadn't kept the sword in the ring, it only meant that the one who was controlling his body did that. He was thankful as he would have lost a God-grade artifact otherwise.