Chapter 923: Clash


The team of the newcomers had met with the Emperor of Esteria.

The Tricion Prince had a straight face as he stood before the Esteria Emperor and heard his words. Even though he didn't react outright, on the inside, he was finding it funny.

In their world, he had the Prince of Esteria killed. It was funny that both the worlds have the same name Empires. The only thing different here was that Esteria was the only Empire here. In his world, however, there were many Empires that were always in conflict.

'One day, I'll make our world like this world as well—a world where only our Empire will reign supreme. Soon, we would succeed in our aim. It might take longer, but we have a clear sight. After we take over our world and wipe Esteria, Qiandi, and others, we would be sole rulers,' the Prince of Tricion thought. 'Then we can start conquering other worlds.'