Chapter 957: Jealousy

The black ropes that had come out of the ground wrapped around the legs of Du Liang to stop him from moving. It was keeping him held in his place, unable to move. 

Du Liang didn't seem surprised, though. After the ropes wrapped around his legs, he stood calmly. 

He didn't even try moving as he stood still. Not only that, but he even folded his arms as if he had given up on fighting. Nothing phased him as he watched the girl attacking him. 

"Good! Accept your death!" 

The tiger-clawed woman reached Du Liang as she swung her claws towards his neck. The claws slashed the neck of Du Liang. As Du Liang's neck was sliced, his head rolled over to the ground. 

"So easy. We were worried for nothing," the woman scoffed as she looked back at her partners who were coming behind her. 


A shocked look covered her face as she realized that no one was there. He looked all around her, but not a single person was in her sight. 

"Where did everyone disappear to?" She mumbled to herself.