Chapter 962: Defeated

"I am prepared. Let's start so I can be done faster. I already wasted so many days because of you," Long Chen told Qian Yu as he stood with the Sword of Time in his hand. 

He was somewhat upset that he had to stay for five more days just so they could fight in this room. They could so easily have fought in a desert as well. Unfortunately for him, the girl kept insisting. Finally, it was time to finish, and the girl was still concerned with the locking the door. He wanted to facepalm himself. 

"It's the first time I'm seeing someone so eager to get their bones broken. You're a special case, aren't you?" Qian Yu asked Long Chen lazily. 

Long Chen took a deep breath before shook his head. "If this is what you think, then sure. But please act faster. I don't want to waste any longer. If you don't act now, I promise I'll take action first. And if you delay, even more, I might even forget about my promise altogether and leave. So don't play around!"