Chapter 966: Missing Snake

Long Chen looked inside the beast bag of Pei Zen to see the beasts he possesses. 

Pei Zen was the son of an Emperor. There was no way the beasts he uses for travel could be bad. He wanted to use them if they were faster than his beasts.

The only problem was that the beasts that were once tamed didn't listen to others. If they were framed by Pei Zen, the chances of them helping Long Chen were really bad. The only hope rested on Pei Zen possessing a beast that he hadn't tamed. 

That possibility was not bad, though. Lots of people kept beats that were only for travel and didn't actually tame them. Long Chen hoped to find one such beast in Pei Zen's beast bag. If he could save even a moment of his time, Long Chen was going to try it. 

He looked inside the beast bag of Pei Zen and found two ferocious-looking beasts inside the bag.