Chapter 988: Treasure

Long Chen stayed in his room throughout the afternoon, utilizing his time in his Cultivation since he has nothing more to do at the moment.

He had planned to meet the Emperor in the evening. Until then, he cultivated. 

Time kept passing slowly as the bright day started getting dimmer, signaling the arrival of the evening. 

Long Chen was sitting on the bed and only opened his eyes when he realized that it was the time to move. 

He moved over to the side of the bed, sliding over the velvet bed sheet that was covering the bed. 

Placing his feet on the ground, he properly arranged his clothes. He touched the door handle, which was cold to the touch, and pulled it open slowly to step in the long corridor. 

He strode through the long corridor to reach the throne room, which he had already seen previously. It was the beautiful yet luxurious hall where he had met the Emperor of the Esteria for the first time with Mingyu.