Chapter 990: Take him

"Hahaha, Don't worry. This robe might be a bit of a low-grade treasure, but it's special. Its grade can't define how special it is," the Emperor replied as he noticed the carefree look on Long Chen's face. 

He has assumed that Long Chen was only acting strong, but on the inside, he was regretting. So he didn't try to bully the boy anymore. 

"It's special? What's special in it?" Long Chen asked the Emperor, confused. 

"This is a robe that's called Peak Potential Robe. You do know how the Potential of a Cultivator is set at the birth, right? They can increase their Cultivation, but it all depends on their potential too," The Emperor told Long Chen. 

"This is the robe that can help a Cultivator reach their potential to the peak. Don't look at its grade; at its core, its use is very special. There are not many treasures that can increase potential," he added as he gazed at Long Chen's hand.