Chapter 998: No trust

"I've done nothing like that. So stop maligning me," Long Chen retorted to the accusations as he also stood up, not willing to sit back and watch. 

"Alright. Then prove your innocence. Why should I believe you? What do you even have to prove yourself except the clearly love-filled biased statement of my sister who is trying to protect you?" Lu Wang interrogated Long Chen, trying to make him show any evidence. 

"What proof do you have that it was me? It's my first time in this city, and I don't know anyone. I have no influence here, but it's not the same for you. One word from you, and that woman would just as easily have lied about this? I'm sure now that you're behind this," Long Chen replied, graveness filling his face. 

"Can you two calm down? I'm sure none of you are in the wrong. There's just some misunderstanding here," Mingyu tried to chime in to calm the situation down.