Chapter 1004: Chances

"Come fast!"

Long Chen was standing in a daze as he saw the person who was calling to him. It was one of his friends in his previous life. The two of them used to study in the same class. 

This guy was here too?

Fortunately, Long Chen still remembered things from his second Life. He knew that he had come here after touching the Law of Destiny orb. Thus it probably wasn't real. 

'It should be like a recreation of my old world to help me comprehend the Law of Destiny, but how does it make me learn anything? Strange,' he thought as he started walking towards the man who was calling to him again and again.

In any case, he could only go along with it and see what Destiny had in store for him and how it was hoping to help him. 

"Man, what happened to you there? You just stood there like a broken statue. Don't tell me that you're having second thoughts now," the dark-haired man asked Long Chen. 

"Second thoughts about what?" Long Chen asked, curious.