Chapter 1020: Die with Pride

"Where exactly is that guy hiding?" Long Chen stood outside the Emperor's room, confused. 

He had thought that the Emperor was hiding his son in his room, but now, it was evident that it wasn't the case. So, where exactly could he be hiding? 

It was a confusing question that he didn't have an answer to. The Palace was enormous. He could be hiding that guy anywhere. The only thing which was certain was that the man was still inside the Palace. 

"Could it be that he has a Spatial Treasure as well? Is he carrying that guy with him in a treasure? Like the Fake world?"

"That's right. Why didn't I think of this before? I can change the future. If Mingyu is inside the Fake World, no one can harm her. First, I need to keep her safe. Then take out her enemies. Then I can release her. How dumb could I have been for leaving her in her room," he let out as he smacked his forehead. 

He started moving towards Mingyu's room.

"Do you want to hear my opinion?"