Chapter 1036: Embarassment

"Did she look towards you just now?" Zhiqing asked as she suspiciously looked towards Long Chen. 

"Maybe," Long Chen answered. "I already told you that I fought with her. She has seen me quite a few times. Since I'm not disguising myself, maybe she recognized me. It's not strange."

"Do you think she will expose you? You were the one that killed Pei Zen after all," Zhiqing asked, frowning. 

"So what even if he tells them? What can they even do to me?" Long Chen asked with an amused smile on his face. "There's no need to bother with them. If they want to see their losses, I'll happily oblige them," Long Chen answered lazily. 

It was unclear if he was actually tired enough not to worry or if he genuinely didn't care. But she had faith in his words. If he said that he wasn't in danger, it must be the truth. 
