Chapter 1063: Taking the Throne

Emperor Lu left the Royal Palace with his wife and his daughter. 

They all entered the Royal Carriage, which left the Royal Palace to fetch Long Chen, unaware that Long Chen had already left to come to the Royal Palace. 

A few minutes after the carriage departed, Long Chen landed at the entrance of the Royal Palace. 

The guards had already known that the Emperor left to bring Long Chen with respect with all his family. That meant Long Chen was once again their influential Prince Consort. So they needed to treat him with proper rest. 

He wasn't their enemy anymore, and the guards found it fortunate since they knew that if Long Chen was their enemy, it was going to mean their death. 

"Your Highness!"

All the guards greeted Long Chen with great respect, which surprised him a bit. What had happened to them? Did the Emperor already declare that he was forgiven and that he was to be treated with old respect?