Chapter 1094: Hot Lady

"Why would I be happy if it was a hot lady? I'm not a pervert," Long Chen replied as he again tried to move his hand. Ahe again suffered a failure as his hand refused to listen to him. 

"You were really badly injured. You should be glad that you're still alive. Only a few of your bones were broken despite a fall from so high. I guess you can give credit to your physical cultivation and the strength of your body. Even after the paralysis, your body escaped the worst," Xun told Long Chen as she sat on the bed beside him. 

"So a girl helped me after I fell and brought me here? Where did she go now?" Long Chen asked, frowning. 

"Wait a minute! My clothes? Where are they?  And more importantly, did that girl change my clothes? She saw me without clothes?" Long Chen asked, opening his eyes wide.