Chapter 1107: Completion of Inner World

After killing the guard, he kept the guard's body in his storage ring to make sure that no trace was left behind before he Teleported once again. 

Throughout his constant teleportation, there were a few times when he appeared right in front of the guards. Sometimes, he even appeared in front of a big group; fortunately, the Snake Monarch was fast and acted in response without wasting much time, preventing any attack from being made on Long Chen. 

After a long time, he finally appeared outside the Royal Palace.

"Isn't that the Third Prince? The guy who brought me inside the royal palace for the first time? Helping me so much. I guess he can't even recognize me with this face."

"In any case, it's lucky that there is only one Empire in this world. If there were more Empires, the fall of their Father would have meant the fall of this Empire as well."