Chapter 1115: Snake Monarch showing off at Sect.

"Lied about what?" Zhiqing asked. "What lie could be so strong to place her life in danger?" Mingyu asked. 

"I told you I killed the Elders of the Major Sects after coming out of the Divine Heaven Sect, right?" Long Chen asked. 

"Yeah," Xun answered.

"That Mi Yap left us hanging despite being an Elder of Dark Soul Sect. She instead blamed me and told the other Elders that they could kill me because I was wrong as she ran away, all because she believed that helping me would be bad for her against so many enemies of mine. Not only me, she even left Chu Miao behind," Long Chen said. 

"When I killed the Elders, I kept their bodies in my storage ring before I went back to the Dark Soul Sect with Chu Miao. We placed the blame on her, and she was imprisoned so this could be investigated."