Chapter 1127: Saint King is alive

"Saint King Xianwu, you're actually alive?" Long Chen asked the Saint King as if he had received the shock of his life. 

"Unfortunately, I'm not. By the time you enter this place, I will be long dead," the Saint King Xianwu answered, smiling. 

"Then this?" Long Chen asked, frowning. 

"It's a Puppet Clone of Saint King Xianwu. And he is being controlled by a small fraction of his soul, I think," Xun told Long Chen as she observed the Saint King. 

"The little girl is right. I'm a fraction of my original soul, left behind, waiting for an Heir," The Saint King answered. 

Seeing him mention her, Xun seemed to be stunned. She asked, "You can hear me?"

"Not only hear, but I can also see you, young lady." The Saint King answered. 

Hearing those words, a bright look appeared on Long Chen's face as his eyes shone with an idea.