Chapter 1132: Treasures

"I don't know much about these, but Xun, you should know. Are these two enough to make me strong?" Long Chen asked Xun, glancing at her. 

"Two are enough for you. Because I doubt you could absorb any more than that without blowing up," Xun answered, smiling. 

She had genuinely expected that Long Chen would only get one, but two weren't bad. 

"Alright, now kid, listen to me carefully," the Saint King said as he attracted the attention of Long Chen. 

"I would have loved to give you an explanation about all the treasures in the ring, but I'm sure you'll find about them in due time. I don't have that much time either, so I'll only tell you about the important stuff."

"I understand that. Tell me about what you can," Long Chen responded.