Chapter 1151: Test of Temple

"What am I doing here this time?" Long Chen asked, curious. 

"You're here to be judged by the Temple," Long Tian answered.

"Huh? What do you mean judged?"

"I meant the same thing that you heard. While outside your body, face the heavenly thunder; here, your soul will go through a test too. Fail either of the two tests, and you'll die," Long Tian told Long Chen as the space around them changed. Then they found themselves inside an empty room. 

"The first test will be the test of your purity. It will be to see how pure your soul is. Do you understand? Then step forward on the scale. On one side will be your soul. And on the other side will be a judgment knife."

"As long as your soul is lighter than the judgment knife, you'll pass the first test. But if it's heavier, that means your soul is corrupt."