Chapter 1156: End of Tribulation

Long Chen had formed his Law Seed of Heavenly Thunder, making his body adjust to the energy of lightning. Finally, he started feeling more comfortable, as if his body had begun healing. 

The violent energy of the heavenly lightning dragon was purified by the Sword of Time into something that could be absorbed by Long Chen.

But even then, he was feeling that chaotic energy inside him, but as soon as he formed the Law Seed of Heavenly Lighting, the chaos inside his body died down.

He again ate a Life Healing Pill as he looked towards the sky through the barrier that was around him. 

Another Dragon had appeared in the sky, roaring wildly. The dragon this time seemed to have two long horns that seemed to be like two thunderbolts themselves. 

Even the people in the distant city could see the dragon in the sky. They were all scared for their life wondering if the gods had finally come to destroy their world.