Chapter 1229: Passing the Formation

Long Chen stood in front of the treasury, which was being protected by a formation. 

The formation had been running for thousands of years, never running out of energy. But it wasn't impossible to pass through this either. The Saint King had already managed to pass through in the past. 

This formation was also the reason Fu Qua approached Long Chen to help her team. Without him, she had no choice but to send another Formation Expert with her team. 

"This is a High Grade Formation. And it's an assault formation especially. One mistake, and it'll attack you. Stay alert," Xun reminded Long Chen as she saw him step closer. 

In the silent room, her voice reached Long Chen easily even though she hadn't spoken loudly. 

"I know what I'm doing. I have a way to get to the other side," Long Chen answered. "I am just recreating the steps of someone else," Long Chen responded as he reached out his hand to touch the formation.