Chapter 1240: Meeting the Lord

"It's fine. You don't have to accompany me anyway. I'm fine going alone," Long Chen told Mimi, who seemed sad that she couldn't follow him. 

"Also, thanks for the hotel suggestion. I'll take a room there. See you tomorrow," he added before he left. 

Mimi watched Long Chen leave. It was only after he disappeared from her view that she turned back and went inside the Palace. 


"Are we not going to steal the item tonight?"  Snake Monarch flew beside Long Chen, wondering about their plan. 

" What makes you think that? Of course, we'll steal it tonight," Long Chen responded. 

"Won't that be a problem? If you steal tonight, how will Mimi get the items we need to us tomorrow? She'll be busy in trying to find the person who stole from them just like the rest of the Royal Family. Isn't it right?

"Nope. Nothing like that will happen. Whatever you said depends on the possibility that the Royal Family finds out about the theft. That's not going to happen," Long Chen replied.