Chapter 1251: Telling Xun the truth

"Instead, you were created by Tian Shen, who gave you all your fake memories of being created by an almighty being who was about to die. Your memories of Tian Shen picking up the ring, getting the Bloodline, your adventures together were all fake!" Long Chen told Xun. 

"You're lying! Why would he fake it?!"  Xun asked, not believing. 

"Because only when you believe a lie can you make another person believe a lie better," Long Chen replied. 

" Anyway, back to the story. Tian Shen stole the bloodline and realized how powerful it was. It helped him boost his cultivation and become powerful. However, since he wasn't the heir of this bloodline and just a thief, he couldn't actually awaken the bloodline."

"That's when that guy decided to just find the descendant of the Bloodline Owner so he could steal their fully awakened bloodline. That's why he sent the rings everywhere, to find the descendants of the bloodline!"