Chapter 1266: Dark side of Dark Tribe

Long Chen entered the second tower, searching for the Tribe Leader, who wasn't found yet. 

The second tower was much different than the first tower.  It wasn't as empty as the first tower, mainly because it wasn't a training arena. 

As soon as Long Chen entered the second tower, he was able to see a long line of shelves that contained books. Thousands of books were present on the first floor itself. 

"I see what's happening here. That man must be interested in reading. That's why he appeared here, isn't that right? He must be somewhere inside," Snake Monarch commented. 

"Maybe. I think that guy can answer that question for us," Long Chen replied, glancing at a man in the distance who was putting some books on the shelves 

"This place is a library. He should be the person who takes care of this place. If that old man is here, this guy should know it. 

Long Chen started stepping towards the man. 

Stopping behind the man, Long Chen tapped his shoulder.