Chapter 1313: The prison

"Suffering family?" Long Chen asked, confused. 

"That's what we call the family of Prisoners that have formed in this place. We all came from different places and different worlds, but we all suffer the same here. We're all part of this suffering family!" The old voice answered. 

"Go to sleep now. Learn more in the morning."

"A family of suffering, huh," Long Chen muttered as he walked back. He stopped near the wall and sat down with his back resting against the wall as he analyzed his situation. 

"So I'm in the Heaven. This is certainly becoming a bigger mess than I thought it would be. No wonder they were able to stop all the Laws here. This is a prison, after all."

"But that also makes things difficult for me. Without using my Laws, I can't escape this place. But even if I left the prison, where would I go? I'll still be in Heaven? I can't find a way to go back. Even the Teleportation Formation of worlds doesn't work here!"